Site maintenance

Our website is currently undergoing some maintenance as we update our booking system. Apologies for the inconvenience. We aim to be live again really soon!

The Font house rules

To keep everyone climbing and working out safely pleaseabide by the below rules when in our centre:
  • Check-in at reception at the start of every visit.
  • You must exercise care, common sense and self-preservation at all times.
  • Wear activity appropriate clothing and shoes when in the centre, including closed-toe and non-slip footwear in the gym and climbing shoes when bouldering. Please remove jewellery, especially rings and earrings, and any loose items in your pockets to prevent injury. We recommend long hair should be tied back when using gym equipment.
  • No persons under 16 years of age are allowed in the gym without the supervision of an approved Coach or Personal Trainer.
  • Treat our facility and equipment with care and report any faulty, damaged or dangerous facilities or equipment to a member of The Font Crew.
  • Staff are there to help you have a safe and enjoyable experience. Please treat them and other climbers with respect and kindness.
  • If you feel unwell or notice someone is in difficulty, please report to a member of staff immediately.
  • Never climb directly above or below another climber, and do not stand, sit or lay within their fall zone. Please note that fall zones may be quite large, so stand well back and respect your fellow climbers fall zone.
  • Do not distract people while they are climbing or supervising other climbers.
  • Please refrain from taking water bottles or other food/drink products onto the climbing mats.
  • Ensure the climbing and gym areas are free from items that may act as trip or landing hazards e.g. bottles, bags, brushes, shoes etc.
  • Do not climb, sit or stand on the top of any of the walls or girders- All climbs finish on the last hold.
  • Descend by climbing down using any colour holds to the matting or as far as you can, jumping to the matting from a lower point, or at the very least, a controlled fall when absolutely necessary.
  • Please check gym equipment before use and report any faulty or damaged equipment to a member of staff.
  • Refer to the usage guidance available next to the gym machines or consult a member of staff prior to using equipment if you are unsure of functionality and safe usage.
  • Please put all gym equipment away after use in the storage areas provided. Equipment should not be left unattended and should not obstruct any walkways through the gym space.
  • Please lower your weights under control. Simply dropping weights to the ground should be avoided.
  • All gym equipment should remain within the gym area at all times. Please do not remove equipment to use it in other areas of the centre or attempt to rearrange heavy-duty gym equipment.
  • Do not climb or use the gym under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Refer to best practice signage in specific areas of the centre to ensure safe usage of facilities.

ALCOHOL: We have a strict policy with regards to consuming alcohol and using our climbing and gym facilities, you cannot do it.If you purchase and consume alcohol from our facilities please do so once you have finished your climbing session or work out. This is to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you in the centre. Only alcohol purchased from our Bar is permitted within the centre. If you appear to be climbing or working out after drinking you will be asked to leave.