Site maintenance

Our website is currently undergoing some maintenance as we update our booking system. Apologies for the inconvenience. We aim to be live again really soon!



The Font is a Bouldering only facility, a form of free climbing that is performed on 15 ft. walls without the use of ropes or harnesses. It is a potentially high risk sport. Please note, we do not offer roped climbing or a dedicated Children’s area. We therefore have strict policies to ensure everyone coming to the centre is as safe as possible. Under 18’s must attend with an experienced climbing supervisor or be booked on to a coached session with a member of The Font’s coaching team.

We welcome kids of all ages but due to the high risk nature of the sport, we ask that you read the information below before attending the Centre in order to understand the requirements for each age group:

  • Kids under 4 years can attend the centre but are not permitted in the climbing or gym area. 1:1 parent/guardian to child supervision is required at all times. This means if the adult supervisor wants to climb, there must be a second adult to supervise the child.
  • Kids aged 4-7 years are permitted to use the climbing wall with parent/guardian who is a competent climber, and there must be 1:1 parent/guardian to child supervision at all times. Kids within this age group are not permitted within the gym area.
  • Kids aged 8 to 13 years can attend one of our coached sessions or attend under the supervision of a parent/guardian who is a competent climber at a ratio of 2:1. Kids within this age group are not permitted within the gym area.
  • Those aged 14-16 years can attend our coached sessions, attend under the supervision of a parent/guardian who is a competent climber at a ratio of 2:1 and take our Junior Test which (if passed) will enable them to climb unsupervised. Note: This age group is permitted within the gym only under the supervision of one of our coaches or a Personal Trainer.
  • Those aged 16-18 years old are permitted to use the centre (both climbing and gym area): If inexperienced, in one of our junior coached sessions, with a competent climber supervised at a ratio of 2:1 or in attendance of one of our Intro to Bouldering sessions. If experienced, they may climb unsupervised with the consent of a parent or guardian and upon completion of our waiver.

Whether you’re climbing with your kids or just looking to supervise them, you will need to be a competent and experienced boulderer. If you are not yet at that stage, then we recommend booking onto one of our Introduction to Bouldering coached sessions or Family Bouldering Coached sessions before attending with your kids.

If you’re already a competent and experienced boulderer, we’d still recommend that you book onto one of our family sessions when available. We will introduce you and your kids to The Font in a fun session that is full of great tips when climbing with kids. But, if you do want to just rock up and climb casually then you will be able to do so once the registration process is complete.