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Our website is currently undergoing some maintenance as we update our booking system. Apologies for the inconvenience. We aim to be live again really soon!

Events, News & Articles

Find out what's on, catch up on the latest news and read thoughts and industry insights from our team.

What's on

Junior Comp
August 30, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that our exciting Junior Competition will take place on 30th August 2024!
The Font Olympics Party
August 3, 2024
Join us on August 3rd for Olympic Fun Comp (PARTY) at Wandsworth Climbing Wall!
All Locations
Pub Quiz!
July 25, 2024
Its the return of the classic Font Pub Quiz! Join us for an evening of laughs, craft beers, fine wines, and good times!
All Locations
Watch Live Sports at the Font!
July 1, 2024
Check out what we're showing on the big screen over the summer! From The IFSC Climbing World Cup to the Tennis!
Junior Comp
August 30, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that our exciting Junior Competition will take place on 30th August 2024!
The Font Olympics Party
August 3, 2024
Join us on August 3rd for Olympic Fun Comp (PARTY) at Wandsworth Climbing Wall!
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latest news

All Locations
The Font Olympics party
Join us on August 3rd for Olympic Fun Comp (PARTY) at Wandsworth Climbing Wall!
Summer Junior drop-in Savings
Save on your climbs this Summer with our junior drop-in bundles! Suitable for all levels!
Summer Junior Climbing Camp!
From July 25th, join our Summer Junior Climbing Camp for ages 8-17! Make friends and get climbing!
The Font Junior Climbing Championships
Save the date: Junior Competition on 30th August 2024! Open to all juniors. More details coming soon!
Kilter Board Socials
With the arrival of our 16x12 adjustable Kilter at Wandsworth we are excited to announce our Kilter Board socials!
Route Setting Schedule – Borough
Enjoy a freshly set climbing wall from the best route setters, every Tuesday. Here's Borough's latest schedule.
Wandsworth Kilter Board (16X12ft)
We have the Wandsworth Kilter Board install date! 16X12 foot of ADJUSTABLE board climbing is coming to you very soon!
Finding the perfect fit! Visit our climbing shoe shop!
Explore our wide range of climbing shoes at The Font Wandsworth! Find your perfect fit today!


Mental Health Benefits of Climbing
Discover the benefits of climbing on your mental health! From the physical to the social angle!
The Font Wandsworth - Kids Climbing Party
Looking for something a little different this year? Get your kids climbing at their next birthday party!
The Font Online Store
Discover our new online store! Shop the latest climbing shoes and exclusive Font Garms, with easy collect-in-centre
Climbing at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Watch the Paris 2024 climbing Olympics live at our Wandsworth and Borough centres! Get to know the format below!
Six Physio
Get to know Six Physio! Expert Physiotherapy in London. Restore function, relieve pain and re-educate movement!
Routesetting: Creating the boulder problems
Ever wondered how the boulders magically appear on the climbing wall? The answer is routesetting.
Versus Wall
Get to know Versus Wall. Bringing fashion as well as functionality to climbing garms!
Understanding and Reducing Climbing Related Injuries
Injuries in sports are amongst the most common topics amongst its people, and climbing is no exception.